Super Fruits Super Avocado


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Basic information

Avocado is native to Peru, Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela.

Seasonal availability

From May to September.

Human health benefits

Avocado is rich in fats, giving it a high caloric value. The predominant type of fat is monounsaturated, especially oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acid, also present in olive oil).


Nutritional value

Componentes / Components Por 100g /
Per 100g
Energía / Energy 131 kcal
Agua / Water 79.2 g
Proteína / Protein 1.7 g
Grasa Total / Total Fat 12.5 g
Carbohidratos / Carbohydrates 5.6 g
Fibra dietaria / Diet Fiber 6.7 g
Calcio / Calcium 37 mg
Zinc / Zinc 0.64 mg
Hierro / Iron 0.6 mg
Retinol / Retinol 7 µg
Vitamina A / Vitamin A 7 µg
Tiamina / Tiamin 0.09 mg
Rivoflavina / Rivoflavin 0.05 g
Niacina / Niacin 0.82 mg
Vitamina C / Vitamin C 8 mg

Geographical distribution
