Super Roots Super Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

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Basic information

The sweet potato, also called yam in some parts of North America (though not a true yam), is a plant originally from the Neotropical region. Known by the scientific name Ipomoea batatas, the tuber is native to Peru, where it dates back to 750 BC. It is considered one of the most ancient food crops known to man. There are approximately 5000 varieties, notably the white, purple, pink, orange and yellow sweet potatoes.

Seasonal availability

All year round.

Human health benefits

Sweet potatoes contain beta carotene, the pigment responsible for their orange hue. This chemical compound protects people’s eyes from ultraviolet radiation, preventing blindness and improving vision at night. Another virtue of the sweet potato is its fiber, which flushes out fats and keeps cholesterol from building up in arteries.

This food is good for skin and mucous membranes, and is an important factor in anti-aging, preventing wrinkles and stimulating hair and nail growth. Interestingly, a sweet potato boasts more vitamin A than a carrot.

>Sweet Potato

Nutritional value

Componentes / Components Por 100g /
Per 100g
Energía / Energy 86 kcal
Grasa / Fat 0.1 g
Sodio / Sodium 55 mg
Carbohidratos / Carbohydrates 20 g
Fibra / Fiber 3 g
Potasio / Potassium 337 mg
Magnesio / Magnesium 25 mg
Hierro / Iron 0.6 mg
Vitamina C / Vitamin C 2.4 mg
Vitamina A / Vitamin A 14.18 g
Calcio / Calcium 30 mg

Geographical distribution
